Saturday, January 29, 2011—the learning network

Yesterday’s posting on The New York Times’ The Learning Network blog featured “100 Ways to Celebrate the 100th Day of School” with oodles of creative ideas for teachers, students and schools to mark the occasion.

Unbeknownst to me—while I was marking the occasion with a 100+ fever—Ornithoblogical got a great mention in #9. Now that sure made me feel better!

While the power of social networking sites like Twitter can more dramatically (and importantly) be measured by the events currently taking place in the Middle East, I have to acknowledge my own little learning network experience here. Through Noah Scalin’s 365 blog nod to my birds on Twitter, Katherine Schulten, one of the authors of The Learning Network, and I were virtually introduced. It just goes to show that “tweeting” is not just for the birds...or is it? Thanks Noah and Katherine!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

print magazine hand drawn competition

Print Magazine, the venerable, bimonthly showcase of visual culture and design announced the winners of their first ever Hand Drawn Competition this week. I’m so pleased that “In General”—which ran on Ornithoblogical on day 177—has been selected as an Inaugural Illustration Competition Winner and will be featured on their website in May. A-Ten-Hut!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

postcards from the edge

I am pleased to be among the artists who have anonymously donated work to the 13th Annual Postcards from the Edge benefit for Visual AIDS, on view this weekend and hosted by the CRG Gallery. Beginning Friday with the Preview Party, buyers can view the over 1400 postcards on display. It’s an excellent chance to get your hands on original works of art by established and emerging artists. See if you can pick mine out of the crowd. You might even see me nearby, plotting a purchase of my own. Click here for more details.