Friday, January 1, 2010

world headquarters

Happy New Year!
For those of you who haven't seen it, here is a view of my studio. If it looks a little like a photo of a dollhouse, that's for good reason. This morning, I learned how to make images look “miniaturized” in PhotoShop.
If you'd like to try it yourself, here's the tutorial.
Best wishes for a healthy and prosperous 2010!


Kitty Kilian said...

Wow Anna, that is a great tutorial! I am going to have to try this out too. And I like your cage with.. what are these things called in english.. pickles? I am trying to see ALL 400 pictures (but it is bed time now) and so far, working from the top, I like yours best. But alas I see that 380 other people or so also depicted bird cages.. None however with pickles! Seriously though, I really admire your style. It has a nice touch of humor and .. more next time good night!

Anna Raff said...

Funny! I thought they looked a lot like pickles too. I probably should have pushed that.