Saturday, February 18, 2012

jungle book and other tales

After admiring their work from afar, I joined the Book Cover Club this month. Created by fellow SVA MFA Illustration alumni Philip Cheaney and Ryan Hartley, the concept is simple: read a book, and illustrate a cover for it. And this being my first foray, I felt quite fortunate that the selection was not only from the annals of children’s literature, but one that is full great visual elements. Be sure to check out all of the other contributions here.

I hope you enjoyed “Punctuation Week” earlier this month on Ornithoblogical, which culminated with Curses, a piece that I plan to make available soon on my Etsy store. And for those of you not following on Twitter or Facebook, Ornithoblogical is approaching its 500th post! In celebration, I’m taking requests. So send ‘em on...

Meanwhile, work continues on my two picture book projects. Sylvia’s Spinach is first up for this Fall, and I’m currently finishing up the art. Here are some teasers...

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